Living Light Candles | Heart Candle


Always a special gift - these heart shaped candles will be sure to please.

Made from natural plant and New Zealand bees wax, these floatable heart candles are the perfect expression of love and appreciation.

Once the wick has finished burning, place one of our matching tea lights in the hollowed out space to continue your candle experience.

Size: 40mm x 90mm: 15 hours of beautiful scent & light

Handmade in Golden Bay, New Zealand

Pohutakawa - Red

  • A warm, spicy infusion of white pepper & cinnamon on a base of redcurrant & cassis, with a hint of citrus.
  • Scent Family: Oriental Spice

Peony Rose - Pink

  • Unashamedly feminine and sensual, intoxicating notes of peony, rose, peach and musk will beguile the senses and leave you wanting more.
  • Scent Family: Soft Floral

Pinot Blanc - White

  • Sweet accords of berry and grape, entwined with cassis, apple blossom and cedar. 
  • Scent Family: Fruity 
Type: Candles